
Splashers Reminders & Website Quick Links

Hello Splashers families,


1) Registration is open to all! Get your athlete registered and then spread the word to new families. (Don't delay...we are at 161 of our 175 team cap) 

2) Log in first (returning families) to auto-fill contact data, and click on the Register Now! button to register. (the LHCA Members-only private link will no longer work)

3) Sunday (4/9) is the Merchandise/Sponsorship deadline! You will no longer be able to order an athlete t-shirt or cap, or purchase a family/corporate Sponsorship after Sunday. If you forgot during registration, you can order from our team store here thru Sunday. (Contact Farrah Chelstrom with sponsor questions)

4) Sibling Discount: Only applies if you register all athletes at one time. If you are not sure if your young athlete is ready, it's still best to register due to team cap and get a refund if needed.

5) Team Suits: Everyone has to order their suit online through the URL on our website - Order New Team Suit*





Our site is powered by SwimTopia. Download the SwimTopia Mobile to receive Team Alerts for weather delays, sign up for meets/events, view your volunteer commitments, and swim results. A Pro Subscription is required to see heat sheets, estimated start times, and receive notifications of upcoming events and live results during the meet.

[ SwimTopia Mobile - Parent Features]



Paige Hansen, Website Manager

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