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Sponsorship Level Benefits

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  1. All Levels - Print recognition on team t-shirts (dependent on order deadline)
  2. All Levels - Logo or Family Name presented on Splashers website
  3. All Levels - Verbal recognition at the home swim meets
  4. Blue & Olympian Levels - Acknowledgement in Weekly Announcements
  5. Olympian Level Only - Prominent location on website, may hang signage at the Kick-Off Event and at all home meets
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Sponsor Logo Requirements

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Images should display at the best size, but large images could be slow to load and small images could be hard to see. It's best to provide the format requested and resize them per our recommendations below:

Website: JPG format preferred for faster loading, PNG optimal for transparent logos (GIF supported, PDF, WEBP, SVG are NOT supported)

T-Shirts: EPS format preferred, PNG optimal for transparent background (SVG, JPG, GIF are accepted)

Size: No wider than 600 pixels (the best size is 580px).

Corporate Sponsors: Email logo and website URL to: [email protected] (if returning sponsor, only send if changed)

Family Sponsors: A logo will be made for your family

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Sponsorship Options

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Option #1: Splashers Members - Donate Online

Note: Payment processing requires a registered account. If you are NOT a member of the team, you can either pay by check, or have a member use their account to process your payment. Please select a sponsor level below.

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Option #2: Non-Members

Non-members interested in sponsoring can pay via check. Contact the Sponsorship Coordinator (use contact form) to determine delivery options.

Make checks payable to “Lake Hills Splashers”

Include: Your Name, Address/Email, Display name for your business or family, and URL if you want your logo to link to your website.

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Donate Online (Splashers Members Only)

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Price: $100.00
Merchandise Offer
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Price: $250.00
Merchandise Offer
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Price: $350.00
Merchandise Offer
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Price: $500.00
Merchandise Offer
Offer item for sale
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