
Intrasquad Meet TODAY!! Woohoo!

Hi Splashers!

We can't wait to see all of you at the Intrasquad meet tonight! A few notes and reminders to know before you go:

  • WARM-UPS are not required. If your swimmer misses their warm-up time, then they will not have a warm-up (and that is OKAY). Please have your kid swim with their practice group. If you swimmer is nervous, let Coach Alison and Coach Brynn know and they will help!  Assigned times are below: 
    • 8 and under 4:45-4:50pm 
    • 9-10 4:50-4:55pm 1
    • 11-12 4:55-5:05pm 
    • 13 and up 5:05-5:15pm
  • PARKING attendants will help you park. Reminder, only LHCA members can park in the paved lot and you can NOT park in the boat parking (the grass). Non-members can park in the back lot and will be guided on how to park so we can maximize the number of cars in that lot.
  • VOLUNTEERS CHECK-IN as soon as you get your swimmer to the correct tent. Our Volunteer Coordinators (Andra Bond and Marcy Graves Richards) will be right outside the pool gates with clipboards and badges. The sooner we get everyone checked in and in their correct spots (especially timers!!), the sooner we can get the meet underway! Make sure you check your email for info about what time you need to be at the meet.
  • PLEASE BRING your suit, towel, goggles, sunscreen, water, folding chair, and BUG SPRAY!
  • SNACK SHACK will be open and selling pizza, candy, drinks and more! Come hungry!! We take cash or credit card.
  • TSHIRTS & CAPS will be handed out by our Merch Coordinator (Nique Mayo) right outside the gate by the Snack Shack. We will have extra tshirts for purchase in both youth and adults sizes. We take cash or credit card.
  • CLEAN UP all trash around your area and stack any LHCA chairs back in their place. We are SO fortunate to swim with the best setting in the league, so let's do our part to keep it that way!

Intrasquad is a practice meet with our team only. This meet gives new athletes a chance to get use to the progression of a swim meet, and parent volunteers a chance to understand the role they will play in each meet. Keep in mind, this meet may need to start/stop as needed, so please also bring your patience :). We understand that some new swimmers might be a little nervous for the first meet so we will have coaches on standby, if needed. However, moving forward swimmers must be able to complete the race unassisted and legally to enter in a meet. The coaches can help answer questions about your swimmer next week.

*We know weather could be a factor, so please keep an eye on your email to see if we need to adjust times or cancel. Thanks for your support!!

Let's Go, Splashers!!

Lauren and Lindsay

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