

Wed Jun 18

Lake Park
Start: 5:00 PM
End: 8:00 PM

Congratulations Splashers! 

It's time to celebrate another season of hard work (athletes and volunteers alike!)

  • Food: TBD + and any leftovers from the concessions for the kids.
  • We will have an awards ceremony, so bring your chairs, blankets etc.
  • We will take a team picture taken so wear your team swim suit. 
  • The pool will be open for swimming.
  • Check the Lost & Found

Coaches Gift: No obligation, but if you would like to show your appreciation to our awesome coaches, feel free to Venmo directly:

Thank you so, so much to all of our amazing sponsors, parents & volunteers. Y'all made this such a fun and smooth summer season and we are so grateful to get to do it alongside you! 

NOTE: Although we welcome ALL family and friends to join, we can only accommodate Splashers athletes and immediate families for food.

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